Friday 6 November 2015

Centring The Jack

We're just refreshing your minds, and you never know, there might be one or two things you didn't know!
Originally published on our website in 2013, here it is again if you missed it:

With proper signals this can assist the skip in centering it quickly and help keep the game flowing. Please try and follow the directions below so we get uniformity into our signaling that everyone understands.

  1. Stand in the middle of the mat.
  2. Always signal with your hands (not just a finger) help up at a vertical position at about shoulder height.
  3. Hold your hands either to the left or right side of your body - it is not always easy to see them if held in front of your body.
  4. Hold your hands to the side of your body that the skip needs to move the jack, and with your hands apart by the appropriate amount the jack needs to be moved. Once the skip has seen your signal, lower your hands until the jack has been moved.
  5. Signal again in the same way, indicating the distance the jack needs to be moved. Again, lower your hands once the skip has seen the signal so he/she is only acting on one signal.
  6. Normally by then the jack is almost centered and so you only need to signal a turn or half turn of the jack by rotating one hand and wrist in the appropriate direction.
  7. Once the jack is aligned properly,drop one hand down vertically in front of you to let the skip know it is now centered.

More information here.